Blessed Times of YHVH
Blessed times of YHVH
Are very swiftly descending upon the earth,
When the power of the Ever-Living
Is poured out to bless His faithful ones.
The releases unto His Ishrayah
Shall be very great and most fulfilling
As Yahshua, the King of glory,
And Gabriel come to move for them.
These sent from the Most High,
Known as Michael and Gabriel
Are come to expedite My covenant promises
That I have made unto My own.
Stand steadfast in this evil day
And occupy until I come-
For in the fullness of I AM,
I come to deliver My faithful ones.
Yea, I have My jewels fair
That I have called unto this day
Whom I have set apart to transform
Unto eternal redemption.
The difficulttimes that I have
My own to bear ro bring them to Messiah
Has been a time of preparation
That they might walk in My light with
The testings that they have
Shall soon be released in a day,
When soon I come to remove
The tares on the earth, I say.
All lies and double standards
Are swiftly being torn down, you see,
As all peoples are not My true seed
But are the seed of Cain who deceive.
There never can be a
For such doctrine is a sinister lie,
The seed of the serpent can never be Mine,
They are great imposters and father many
YHVH's great judgment on this
evil seed
Who crucified Messiah shall be swift-
It will be a great day when the moneychangers
Are removed and My Ishrayah are set free!
The times of My great refreshing
are near
When My Spirit without measure descends
To deliver My anointed elect
That they might fulfill their calling in I
Many great walls of infirmity
and affliction
Shall be removed in this day
As I come to deliver My Ishrayah
By the power of My Living Word.
My Beloved Ones, shall know
The intimate timing of their Father
As they feel these great changes
Manifest in their earth.
Blessed times, blessed times are
even now
Being further released to My faithful few
As Gabriel and Michael with their armies
Come to fight for My own!
So be strong in My Spirit,
Hope and endure unto the end-
Watch and see, My Beloved, what blessings
I will bestow upon you!
The gift of total salvation
Shall be the portion of My prepared ones
Who hearken unto My Word
And are quickened by My Spirit of Life.
The removal of the hordes
Of evil ones that I call 'tares'
Shall be swift and precise
As I reap billions of people from the earth.
The greater blessings that I
will pour out
Will supply all that is needed
For My eonian work to be accomplished,
Bringing restoration unto My obedient ones.
Great healings and blessings
will take place
As My own are transformed into Yahshua's
To rule and reign with Messiah, King of
I shall have a family of First
Who are redeemed from the curse of sin and
They shall have the mind of Messiah
And work with Him as their Head.
I shall deliver My own from all
That has long ensnared and enslaved My own
And bring them into all truth
To walk with Me as true Daughters and Sons.
Many have been called but only a
few are chosen
To follow Yahshua, My precious Lamb-
Those willing to lay down their lives for Him
Shall know My greater faithfulness this day.
I will set up My kingdom
In those jewels so rare
Who shall become My Melchizedek Priesthood
To teach My truth and light.
Now many have recognized their
Or sought to know My truths-
These are the foolish virgins
Who have no oil in their lamps.
Beloved, Remember that these
Shall be as those of Noah's day,
When most are persuing their own pleasures
And building their own carnal kingdoms.
My own shall ever be tarrying
And abiding in My Spirit alone-
They shall know victory as they endure
These days of Jacob-Ishrayah's greater
As I cared for Noah and His
Who prepared an ark for survival,
I am building an everlasting temple in My own
That is fashioned by My Mighty hand.