On the night of June 2,
1993, around 9:30PM, a terrible feeling came over
me. I felt as though all my breath was going out
of me and I was going to die. My sister was
upstairs, so I decided to go up to my room and
lie down. As I went into my room, YHVH witnessed
to my sister and me that this faintness was of
the Spirit. I felt as though all life was leaving
my body and that I was dying. I lay on the bed
for some time. As I was quiet, YHVH impressed
upon my spirit an impending disaster- one of
great magnitude- an explosion or bomb that would
take many, many, many lives. At 10:25PM YHVH
spoke the following words to me- Mary.
Yea, there are storm clouds over
Washington, and many new upheavals in the earth;
for verily, these are days of My holy
indignation, saith Yahweh, when My vengeance
shall come upon the whole earth. Yea,
watch Islam; for this is a rising
nation, a nation to be feared; and indeed, the
tide of Islam is greatly swelling. Yea, there
shall be many new incidents of terror this year
as Islamic factions make their bid to be seen and
heard. Of a truth, Libyan terrorists are on the
rise and these people stop at nothing in their
bid for demise. Yea, they do not compromise.
Truly the Eastern sect is becoming more powerful
in the world, and these forces shall inflict much
havoc. I say of a truth, it is a day of much
confusion in the earth, when the streets shall be
covered with blood, and the cries of victims
shall be heard. I say, America will not escape My
judgment. Yea, the great alien hordes are as a
seething mass of unrest, and these are constantly
stirred in their own ideas of justice. Yea, I
say, this is the time when many shall be put to
the test and come under extreme fire; for it is
the time when the world is out of control and
chaos reigns. Though many would say this is not
true, I say it is so. Yea, if I, Yahweh, did not
move in this day, the earth would veritably
explode. I say, many do not realize how close the
world is to disaster. I say of a truth, there
are many plans afoot to engender world-wide
control, and truly the world looks to the pope. Yea, man
always fashions his gods unto himself, and the
pope is no exception. Yea, he is merely a man.
Yea, many shall glorify the pope and idolize the
church, and indeed, it is an awesome hour for
those who would seek to gain the upper hand in
the earth. Yea, Gorbachev is not silent and what
he does, many do not know; but I, Yahweh, see the
affairs of men and recognize their desires to
rule the world. The news media has done well in
painting a slick picture of an evil system. The
West has capitalized on the Soviet system in ways
that are most alarming. Yea, I have shown
throughout the age the great curse that falls
upon a people that refuses to love and serve Me.
Yea, I have shown in My word the great
destruction that has befallen My Israel because
they did not obey Me. Yea, it is not enough to
know who I am and for what purpose Yahshua was
sent into the world. Yea, I, Yahweh, shall
require more than head knowledge of My word in
this day; for it will take obedience and
commitment and endurance and faith to survive
this day. I say, many do not take My word
seriously, and indeed, the powers of hell remain
committed to their evil task and these, indeed,
persevere to accomplish what they have set out to
do. Of a truth, the strength of My people shall
not be in their number; for I, Yahweh, have only
a few who are obedient and hear Me. Yea, these I
can use. Those who are only half committed or
seek compromise with the world shall not make it
through. Yea, many are trying to buy their way
into My Kingdom, but it will never work. Others
decree there is a new gospel, but I say, do not
believe it. There shall be many false messiahs
who come in My name, and desperate people shall
flock to the one of their choosing. Yea, those
who know Yahshua shall read the signs of the
times and know that the days are short. And yea,
the times of entering in are now. For many, it
shall be too late. They shall run for the rocks
and hills to hide them, but there shall be no
escape; for I say, America has compromised and
her destruction shall be very great. Yea, I have
seen the churches and the leaders of the country,
and for the most part, they are self-seeking.
There are very few true shepherds over My flock.
Yea, I say, I am raising up a few faithful ones
who shall be stalwart in this day. I shall train
and teach these who minister My word, and yea, I
shall cause them to feed My flock. Yea, I,
Yahweh, am causing a greater gathering of My own
true sheep and these are being herded along the
narrow pathway into My kingdom. I, Yahweh, am
making Myself known unto a few, for truly I shall
have a faithful remnant who delight in knowing
Me. Yea, I say, it is a day when there shall not
be much to do save to be about the business of
building My kingdom. Yea, many do not know true
priorities; for some, it shall be a time of
chastening, perchance they will repent and turn
unto Yahshua. Yea, the days are so evil that many
shall not believe that such a day could come to
pass, and verily, I will give the world more evil
than it can chew. I say, now is the time for many
new sorrows to begin, and yea, the sorrows shall
escalate as with the pangs of childbirth; but I
say, the world cannot bring forth and yea, the
only conception in this hour shall be that of the
man of sin. Yea, many shall grieve in this day
for times past and the days of sunshine and
flowers; but there shall be no relief of the
continual woe that shall be fall the earth; for
verily, in this day, Babylon releases her final
woes. Yea, so also, many have loved the good god.
There is always such talk of good fortune and
prosperity, but where did it all go? Yea,
suddenly, it is gone. Yea, in one day, prosperity
is swallowed up and the people wonder what went
wrong. Yea, where did their good god go? Yea, he
who loves them so much, why did things have to
happen so? Of a truth, many shall die with their
questions unanswered, and there shall be a
hollowness and emptiness in many streets. Yea,
people shall become merely a commodity to be
shuffled to and fro; for, in reality, it is
satan's kingdom that rules in the streets. I say,
the devastation in many cities shall become
increasingly great, and soon there shall be many
places that shall be considered target zones.
Yea, the world has been divided for many years
into certain regions and these places shall
become territories of conflict and, indeed, they
shall become known as red zones. I say, while
most of the world has been sleeping, I say, there
are those who have been plotting their course to
a unified front of the Communist Manifesto. Yea,
there are certain signs that I have, indeed,
given unto My own who shall endure unto the end
this day; and truly unto My faithful flock, I
shall reveal My promises. For the most part, My
work is hidden and much of what I say is in
parables, for the wise shall hear and comprehend.
Yea, I have chosen this day to preserve My true
Israel; for these I, Yahweh, have ordained to
pass through the waters and the fires and not be
consumed. Yea, no man nor woman nor child in this
day shall be preserved unless he knows Me.
When Father was done speaking, He
impressed KOREA upon my
spirit. The impression was that Korea was sending
missiles/bombs upon America. He also showed me
two flags in the Spirit: Cuba and Liberia.
News Reports related to
Korea- click here

Within a few days of receiving this
prophecy, news of a similar prophetic warning
came to us from David Wilkerson of Times Square
Church in New York City. In this letter, the Holy
Spirit had witnessed to David about a coming
great explosion.
On February
20, 1998, we received another writing from David
Wilkerson that confirms the lateness of the hour.
The following is an excerpt from his letter:
For the past few months I have been
preaching at Times Square Church about
Americas last call. This series of
prophetic messages has so deeply stirred my soul.
The premise of these prophetic messages is that
prosperity is Gods last call to a society
just prior to judgment and chastening.
I have been prompted by the Holy Spirit to take a
thirty-day leave of absence from my duties at
Times Square Church and shut myself in with God
to complete a book by the same title, Americas
Last Call. I am not a prophet, but I do know
I am one of His many watchmen. And I see a great
storm coming. I hope to have the book finished
and printed within the next few months and will
make it available to our readers first. -
David Wilkerson/ World Challenge, Inc., P.O. Box
260, Lindale, Texas 75771
Note: David Wilkerson's book, America's Last
Call is now available at the above address.