A new day has dawned
in America and the world. For the observant, the
initial stages of World War III have begun, and once
again America is being led to the slaughter. As
American armed forces are dispatched to Afghanistan
in response to the September 11 attack on the World
Trade Center, we realize that the lives of our
military sons and daughters as well as the life of
our nation is at stake. While suicide pilots and
their infamous missions are repeatedly viewed and
reviewed as popular news stories, few recognize that
we, as a nation, are on a collision course with satan
himself. In light of the events of September 11,
2001, our nation stands in the most awesome, crucial
time of its history. The collapse of the World Trade
Towers is by far one of the most significant events
in the history of this nation. Those who follow the
news in light of YHVH and His word, know there would
be a day when YHVH would visit America in righteous
judgment and 'tear down the towers of Babylon,' the
city of confusion. YHVH had His prophets in the days
of old who foretold of His impending judgments and He
has His prophets in this day who have been sounding
the same warnings. Warning upon warning has gone out
across America, and yet it seems few are taking
seriously the admonitions of YHVH to repent and turn
to Him. YHVH's promise to destroy all evil is a holy
mandate from a Holy Yah. Therefore, when the towers
of Babylon fall, should we be surprised?
Yes, the towers fell in one hour, just as YHVH said
they would. The merchants howled and the world at
large stood in rapped amazement as the gigantic twin
towers of the World Trade Center collapsed. This
masterful ruination of the lofty skyscrapers was a
powerful displayed of YHVH's displeasure over man's
idea of world trade! Indeed, YHVH is angry
with America concerning her world trade policy.
Moreover, He is angry with America on account of
her gross sins. Though America has been blessed
above many nations, she has become a harlot. We have
become a taunt and curse among the nations for our
evil ways. We have become a godless, lawless nation,
taking our witchcrafts and abominations to all
nations, seeking to amalgamate all nations into one
mass of humanity through the organized efforts of the
United Nations. Though the day of globalism has
dawned and the new world order has begun, America has
only started to feel the fruits of this sinister
alliance. To those who do not recognize the dangers
of the new world order and its pluralistic society,
it shall be a sorrowful day; for the enemies of YHVH
are powerful and for the unsuspecting, escape from
enemy hands may come too late. True to His word, YHVH
has promised to destroy all evil. He destroyed the
wicked off the face of the earth in Noah's day, and
He will do so the same this day. He said His second
coming would be with fire and burning, and needless
to say, He came in such manner in New York City on
September 11, 2001. He showed the world in one short
hour (Revelation 18:10) what He thinks of man's Word
Trade system! Should we be surprised? We say, NO!
It's time, in our opinion, to see the demise of this
evil Babylonian system die. This system has enslaved
the peoples of the earth long enough. As YHVH's
Israyah, we are tired of Egyptian bondage. We are
tired of living in a society where the heads of
government are the tails, i.e. demons masquerading as
men to subjugate the masses (Deuteronomy 28:44).
These who have ruled over us are unclean beasts as
foretold in Revelations whose motivations are sensual
and devilish. Their gods are sex, power, and money.
We see our nation controlled by the love of money as
foreign bankers confiscate our country's wealth and
prosper at the expense of the American public. The
rich get richer while the poor get poorer. It is said
that 'Love makes the world go 'round,' but this old
adage may need updating. It may be more aptly stated
that 'Money makes the world go 'round.
' The love of money has all but destroyed our nation.
We see its path of destruction cut a wide path from
the White House through Congress and all successive
levels of government, winding its way through the
lives of politicians, businessmen, school teachers,
pastors, and the common man- even brethren. Very few
eschew the love of money as the ruling factor of
their lives. We see the increasing immoral behavior
that is polluting our nation, the slaughter of
millions of babies through the practice of abortion,
the spread of drugs and alcohol, the brainwashing of
our children by the public school system, and we say,
'YHVH, how long?' We see the
governments' increased violence against Churches and
the Christian 'right', and we say, 'How long, O
YHVH, before you visit the sins of this nation?'
YHVH is not mocked: the nation that forgets Him
is cursed. In the eyes of YHVH, America is a cursed
nation, and for this cause, we can expect to pay for
our sins.
Since September 11,
patriotism has spread across the country like wild
fire. Flags are flying. Everywhere one looks there
are lapel pins, T shirts, bumper stickers, etc. The
red, white, and blue has become big business! Someone
is making good money in it all. It seems the merchant
mentality of this country never dies. Nevertheless, YHVH
will have His way with this country! He is
not done with America yet! In fact, He is only
beginning to shake this nation and bring America to
her knees!
For many years we have
warned YHVH's people that a day of reckoning was
coming for America, for a nation such as ours cannot
continue to export her evils all over the world
without righteous retribution from YHVH. There does
come a day when YHVH roars out of Zion to destroy His
enemies, and America has clearly become His enemy.
With the dramatic destruction of the World Trade
Center, many seek answers as to how and why such an
event could be. Anyone who entertains ignorance on
the subject, truly does not know YHVH. They do not
know Him in light of His word, otherwise they would
know how to accurately read the events of September
11. Scriptures clearly say that YHVH creates evil
(Isaiah 45:7). He does bring about controversy in the
earth and He does destroy His enemies. Scripture also
says that in the day of His judgment, the slain of
YHVH will be very great (Isaiah 66:15,16). Should
we be surprised, then, when YHVH does what He said He
would do? He did roar out of Zion on September
11. He destroyed His enemy, the World Trade Center,
with thunder, fire, and great burning; and true to
His word, the slaughter of YHVH was great. As we see
it, the destruction of the World Trade Center is a
witness of the masterful, faithful hand of YHVH to
deliver His people from the bondage of their enemies.
Shocking observation, you say? Shocking for some,
perhaps; but for those who know YHVH, the display of
His wrath against this evil system of world trade is
a glorious sight. The towers of Babel do fall in
YHVH's time, and as we see it, the towers have only
begun to fall across America. We know from having
warned people of this day that most Americans,
including YHVH's own people, are not ready for what
is coming to the shores of America. Terrorism is only
a small part of the great and terrible day of YHVH.
Many years ago YHVH showed us that when He came to
judge this nation in righteousness, most would not
recognize Him in His coming. They would think that
such evils befalling America were of the devil, when
in fact, such evils were of YHVH. Truly America is
only beginning to reap the results of her
multitudinous sins. YHVH said He will not relent
until He has destroyed all evil, and this includes
all the evils now perpetrated in America. This is His
word and Covenant promise unto His Israyah. Sadly
enough, most people, including mainstream
Christendom, are reading the events of September 11
all wrong. They err in not knowing the YHVH of
Israyah and His word. YHVH hates evil and does avenge
those who do wickedly. He has been known to destroy
individuals as well as nations because of their sins.
After all, He is the righteous judge. Therefore, when
He comes in righteous judgment to avenge sin, should
we be surprised? When YHVH's punishments are
severe, should we blame Him? YHVH
forbid. Many are grappling to find answers and
'closure' to the events of September 11. They
struggle with questions of 'Where is God in all this,
Why would God allow such a terrible thing to happen
in America, If God is so good, why would He allow
this to happen?' Many search for answers. We suggest
they turn to YHVH. Answers exist, if people really
want to find them.
So it is that fallout
from September 11 continues and no doubt will
continue for months, if not years. Be assured, those
in high places are creating and manipulating events
so as to achieve the best spin for their plans for
America. They have an agenda and they will play on
the sympathies of the American public to accomplish
their goal of a one world, 'utopian' society. This
homogenized, android way of life is the very
antithesis of Messiah. While most Christians are
locked into a candy-coated religion that worships the
god of goodwill and promises to provide a way of
escape when the great tribulation comes, this
philosophy will not hold up in the real world,
according to the word of YHVH. Those who continue to
persist in their erroneous theologies, will have a
rude awakening in this day. We are reminded of
Yahshua's parable of the ten virgins: five foolish
and five wise. The foolish did not prepare for the
day of YHVH. The wise did. How does this parable
relate to us in this day?
There are those who
have been preparing for the great and terrible day of
YHVH for many years. Like Noah in his time, they have
been mocked and ridiculed. Strange as it may seem,
many times their greatest opposition has been from
their own families as well as their own brethren.
Yahshua said that our greatest foes would be those of
our own household. Therefore, when brethren and
families scorn and reject the wise virgins, should
we be surprised? Most people do not want to
hear about the great and terrible day of YHVH. They
dismiss the warnings as 'just more doom and gloom.'.
They only want to hear 'smooth words', as the
scriptures say. Perhaps Daddy George Bush had it
right when he said, 'I want a kinder, gentler
nation.' Does this mean we are to tolerate sin no
matter what the cost? YHVH forbid.
I don't know about
anyone else, but I'm tired of the status quo in
America. I'm tired of what I see happening to my
country. Though I am not a veteran of any war nor was
I even alive to witness World Wars I and II, I see my
country slipping further and further into the
quicksand of another world war. I see the oppression
and subjugation of the third world, communist-block
countries coming here. It's the same picture but
different scenery. This time the nation being gobbled
up is America. The majority of Americans are not
ready for a police state. It's okay to view human
suffering elsewhere in the world, but just don't
bring it here. Long distance socialism pans well in
America. Unbeknown to most Americans, we, as a
nation, have supported the socialist/communist cause
in grand fashion. We have given them our money, our
technology, our food, our weapons, our space program,
our manufactured goods, our medical supplies and
relief, as well as our own sons and daughters who are
now buried in countless veteran cemeteries. In short,
we have given them our lives and our country on a
'carte blanche' basis. Our disobedience to YHVH' laws
will cost a dear price to America, for there comes a
day when YHVH will judge this nation for prospering
its enemies. Whether people realize it or not,
communism is our enemy. It is anti-Messiah.
One of its foremost goals is to eradicate all
Christendom, and this includes you and me. While
present-day politicians and journalists paint a rosy
picture of communism and so-called main-stream
Christian pastors promote a pluralistic world, rest
assured that the countless numbers of peoples who are
currently struggling to exist under this satanic
system of oppression have a different story to tell.
Perhaps the untold millions who have been slaughtered
by the communist butchers are evidence enough that
this form of government holds no redeeming value on
anything that remotely resembles 'humanity'.
Knowing well the
pattern of the communist who operates as a 'liberal'
in our society, we, as individuals and as a nation
have come to an interesting crossroads. Whether we
like it or not, we are going to have to redefine the
terms upon which we live. We will need to redefine
who we are and where we're going, i.e. who and what
is America and who is an American? We will also need
to determine who are enemies are. Some people may
argue that the issue of 'enemies' is passe, since the
globalist mentality perports that all peoples are the
same. We are just 'one, big happy family'. If this is
true, then why the attack on America September 11?
America is in more trouble than most would care to
think- trouble that could spill over on anyone,
anytime. If unexpected trouble comes your way, what
will you do? Who will you blame? What will you use
for answers to define your tragedy, so that you can
live through it? For many, their tragedy arrived on
the morning of September 11, 2001. Those personally
involved in this awesome display of fire and smoke
are no doubt still sorting out their lives. Some may
never find the answers they need to resolve their
sorrows. Others may find the answers they seek and be
comforted by the truth, painful though it may be.
In the meantime, flags
wave, music plays, the surge of national pride goes
on. Patriotism in America has become another great
sport. The Stars and Stripes and 'God Bless America'
signs are everywhere. I see so many flags and signs
that it makes me sick. Why should YHVH
bless America? In my opinion, the signs
should read, 'YHVH CURSE
As I watched the
television coverage in the early
aftermath of the September 11 holocaust, a camera
close-up of the Stars and Stripes caught my
attention. The flag, of course, was at half-mast. The
thought poured over me, 'It is America
that has died.' Indeed,
YHVH impressed upon my spirit that the flags are at
half-mast because AMERICA HAS DIED. If
the truth were known, America died a long time ago.
Nevertheless, we are living out the last throes of
her funeral, wherein her identity as a free nation
will be buried under U.N. control.
Brethren, we are
living in an awesome, terrible day when the kingdoms
of this world will become the kingdoms of YHVH and
His Messiah. It will be cataclysmic- a time of great
transition as the institutions of man fall and are
replaced by the righteous government of YHVH. Those
of us who have been laboring for Messiah and His
kingdom regard this day with great soberness and
anticipation, for we shall behold our long-awaited
King. However, for those who are not looking for
Messiah and His kingdom, it will be a day filled with
terror and sorrow. The events of September 11, 2001,
are regarded as a terrorist act, but who is the
terrorist? Who instigated such an act? Can we blame
the Arabs? Can we blame Islam, Osa bin Laden, the
Mossad? YHVH regards the affairs of all men and
nations, and He will pour out vengeance upon those
who disobey Him. Who, then, have we to blame for the
events of September 11? America, REPENT!
To those who mourn the
loss of the World Trade Center, I would ask, 'Whose
side are you on?' The destruction of
the Twin Towers is, in my opinion, one of the most
masterful moves of YHVH in my lifetime. To see the
collapse of these Towers is evidence to me that My
Heavenly Father, the Great I AM, is busy destroying
all evil just as He said He would, and on September
11, 2001, He chose to destroy the evil of World, i.e.
FREE, Trade. In case you didn't know it, the
only thing free about 'free trade' is that the
communists freely take your goods, then your jobs,
and then finally take you. How about a career in a
sweat shop in China? Perhaps India would better suit
you? As the new world order sets up shop in your
neighborhood, they may well ship you overseas- and it
won't be for a vacation. If you've never heard of
sweat shops or labor camps, perhaps you'd better
research the subject. Better yet, talk to someone who
miraculously escaped one. Either way, the new world
order has plans for you. Therefore, when YHVH
Almighty takes His arm and righteously destroys the
World Trade Center, should we be surprised?
Should we be sorry? Should we mourn? YHVH FORBID!
There are those with a certain fascination, fixation,
and/or romance concerning the Twin Towers even to the
point of wanting to rebuild them, but I assure you, I
TOOTH. Personally, I can live with the
empty cavity wherein the Towers once stood. It
doesn't bother me a bit. I figure YHVH in His
infinite wisdom knows what He is doing and He does a
perfect job in all that He accomplishes. Therefore I
offer a special salute of thanks unto YHVH for job
well done! He has the victory!
While victory is
sweet, it is bittersweet for those who lost
loved-ones on September 11. Whereas our hearts go out
to the families of the victims and we pray they will
be comforted by the truth, we are reminded of the
word of YHVH. He said in this last great day of His
judgment in the earth, His slaughter would be very
great. We can expect great numbers of people will die
as YHVH further unleashes His correction rod upon
America. Thus far He has been merciful in terms of
loss of life. Though our nation has experienced
disasters of various kinds over the years, few lives
have been lost. Now, we believe, the numbers of His
slaughter will increase. Our prayer through it all is
that YHVH's people will awaken, repent, and turn to
Him before it is too late. How prepared to meet
Yahshua were the victims of the World Trade Center
collapse? Only eternity will tell. The sobering fact
is that each one of us should be prepared to meet
YHVH at any time. No doubt those who died in the
World Trade Center holocaust had no prior knowledge
that the last day of their lives had come. YHVH
doesn't always give advanced warning of His
judgments. Perhaps the old Boy Scout motto, Be
prepared, is Divinely inspired after all.
It goes without saying
that we're moving into a time in history when there
will be more and more to consider if we expect to
survive. According to scripture, more will die than
live. Whereas many Y2Kers were duly ridiculed for
making preparations for would-be national
emergencies, global holocausts, etc., their actions
may prove to be not so far-fetched. Knowing the track
record of our government and its spokespeople, our
politicians, can we trust these to take good care of
us? Any fool who trusts government- big or small-
deserves what he gets. The organized government as we
know it in America proved itself to be a corporate
disaster years ago. Anyone who has dared to uncover
what is really going on in our government- whether
local, state or federal- knows what evil is being
perpetrated against the unwitting American public.
The well-informed know what's going on in this
country, and it behooves the American public to wake
up lest they perish. The Christian community is
largely responsible, if not entirely responsible, for
the judgments now falling upon America. AS
DEVIL HIMSELF! It is that simple. The blame
is on the Israyah of YHVH WHO HAVE FAILED IN
stone (the kingdom of YHVH) is coming down out of the
mountain to destroy the image of Babylon! Even so
Come, Yahshua ! Come in power and glory to deliver us
into your kingdom!- Mary
the night of June 2, 1993, around 9:30PM, a terrible
feeling came over me. I felt as though all my breath
was going out of me and I was going to die. My sister
was upstairs, so I decided to go up to my room and
lie down. As I went into my room, Yahweh witnessed to
my sister and me that this faintness was of Him. I
felt as though all life was leaving my body. I lay on
the bed for some time. As I was quiet, Yahweh
impressed upon my spirit an impending disaster- one
of great magnitude- an explosion or bomb that would
take many, many, many lives. At 10:25PM Yahweh spoke
the following words to me:
Yea, there are storm clouds over Washington, and many
new upheavals in the earth; for verily, these are
days of My holy indignation, saith Yahweh, when My
vengeance shall come upon the whole earth. Yea, watch
Islam, for this is a rising nation- a nation to
be feared; and indeed, the tide of Islam is greatly
swelling. Yea, there shall be many new incidents of
terror this year, as Islamic factions make their bid
to be seen and heard. Of a truth, Libyan terrorists
are on the rise and these people stop at nothing in
their bid for demise. Yea, they do not compromise.
Truly the Eastern sect is becoming more powerful in
the world, and these forces shall inflict much havoc.
I say of a truth, it is a day of much confusion in
the earth, when the streets shall be covered with
blood, and the cries of victims shall be heard. I
say, America will not escape My judgment. Yea, the
great alien hordes are as a seething mass of unrest,
and these are constantly stirred in their own ideas
of justice. Yea, I say, this is the time when many
shall be put to the test and come under extreme fire;
for it is the time when the world is out of control
and chaos reigns. Though many would say this is not
true, I say it is so. Yea, if I, Yahweh Elohim, did
not move in this day, the earth would veritably
explode. I say, many do not realize how close the
world is to disaster. I say of a truth, there are
many plans afoot to gender world-wide control, and
truly the world looks to the pope. Yea, man always
fashions his gods unto himself, and the pope is no
exception. Yea, he is merely a man. Yea, many shall
glorify the pope and idolize the church, and indeed,
it is an awesome hour for those who would seek to
gain the upper hand in the earth. Yea, Gorbachev is
not silent and what he does, many do not know; but I,
Yahweh, see the affairs of men and recognize their
desires to rule the world. The news media has done
well in painting a slick picture of an evil system.
The West has capitalized on the Soviet system in ways
that are most alarming. Yea, I have shown throughout
the age the great curse that falls upon a people that
refuses to love and serve Me. Yea, I have shown in My
word the great destruction that has befallen My
Israel because they did not obey Me. Yea, it is not
enough to know who I am and for what purpose Yahshua
was sent into the world. Yea, I, Yahweh, shall
require more than head knowledge of My word in this
day; for it will take obedience and commitment and
endurance and faith to survive this day. I say, many
do not take My word seriously, and indeed, the powers
of hell remain committed to their evil task and
these, indeed, persevere to accomplish what they have
set out to do. Of a truth, the strength of My people
shall not be in their number; for I, Yahweh, have
only a few who are obedient and hear Me. Yea, these I
can use. Those who are only half committed or seek
compromise with the world shall not make it through.
Yea, many are trying to buy their way into My
Kingdom, but it will never work. Others decree there
is a new gospel, but I say, do not believe it. There
shall be many false messiahs who come in My name, and
desperate people shall flock to the one of their
choosing. Yea, those who know Yahshua shall read the
signs of the times and know that the days are short.
And yea, the times of entering in are now. For many,
it shall be too late. They shall run for the rocks
and hills to hide them, but there shall be no escape;
for I say, America has compromised and her
destruction shall be very great. Yea, I have seen the
churches and the leaders of the country, and for the
most part, they are self-seeking. There are very few
true shepherds over My flock. Yea, I say, I am
raising up a few faithful ones who shall be stalwart
in this day. I shall train and teach these who
minister My word, and yea, I shall cause them to feed
My flock. Yea, I, Yahweh, am causing a greater
gathering of My own true sheep and these are being
herded along the narrow pathway into My kingdom. I,
Yahweh, am making Myself known unto a few, for truly
I shall have a faithful remnant who delight in
knowing Me. Yea, I say, it is a day when there shall
not be much to do save to be about the business of
building My kingdom. Yea, many do not know true
priorities; for some, it shall be a time of
chastening, perchance they will repent and turn unto
Yahshua. Yea, the days are so evil that many shall
not believe that such a day could come to pass, and
verily, I will give the world more evil than it can
chew. I say, now is the time for many new sorrows to
begin, and yea, the sorrows shall escalate as with
the pangs of childbirth; but I say, the world cannot
bring forth and yea, the only conception in this hour
shall be that of the man of sin. Yea, many shall
grieve in this day for times past and the days of
sunshine and flowers; but there shall be no relief of
the continual woe that shall be fall the earth; for
verily, in this day, Babylon releases her final woes.
Yea, so also, many have loved the good god. There is
always such talk of good fortune and prosperity, but
where did it all go? Yea, suddenly, it is gone. Yea,
in one day, prosperity is swallowed up and the people
wonder what went wrong. Yea, where did their good god
go? Yea, he who loves them so much, why did things
have to happen so? Of a truth, many shall die with
their questions unanswered, and there shall be a
hollowness and emptiness in many streets. Yea, people
shall become merely a commodity to be shuffled to and
fro; for, in reality, it is satan's kingdom that
rules in the streets. I say, the devastation in many
cities shall become increasingly great, and soon
there shall be many places that shall be considered
target zones. Yea, the world has been divided for
many years into certain regions and these places
shall become territories of conflict and, indeed,
they shall become known as red zones. I say, while
most of the world has been sleeping, I say, there are
those who have been plotting their course to a
unified front of the Communist Manifesto. Yea, there
are certain signs that I have, indeed, given unto My
own who shall endure unto the end this day; and truly
unto My faithful flock, I shall reveal My promises.
For the most part, My work is hidden and much of what
I say is in parables, for the wise shall hear and
comprehend. Yea, I have chosen this day to preserve
My true Israel; for these I, Yahweh, have ordained to
pass through the waters and the fires and not be
consumed. Yea, no man nor woman nor child in this day
shall be preserved unless he know Me.

Within a few days of
receiving this prophecy, news of a similar prophetic
warning came to us from David Wilkerson of Times
Square Church in New York City. In this letter, the
Holy Spirit had witnessed to David about a coming
great explosion.
On February 20, 1998,
we received another writing from David Wilkerson that
confirms the lateness of the hour. The following is
an excerpt from his letter:
"For the past few months I have been
preaching at Times Square Church about
Americas last call. This series of
prophetic messages has so deeply stirred my soul. The
premise of these prophetic messages is that
prosperity is Gods last call to a society just
prior to judgment and chastening.
I have been prompted by the Holy Spirit to take a
thirty-day leave of absence from my duties at Times
Square Church and shut myself in with God to complete
a book by the same title, Americas
Last Call. I am not a prophet, but I do
know I am one of His many watchmen. And I see a great
storm coming. I hope to have the book finished and
printed within the next few months and will make it
available to our readers first." - David
Wilkerson/ World Challenge, Inc., P.O. Box 260,
Lindale, Texas 75771
Note: David Wilkerson's book, America's
Last Call is now
available at the above address.
- Volcano spewing
black ash
10/11/01- Lily
- Large American
flag. Field of stars changed into a
nuclear-type, mushroom cloud; then turned
into a volcano blowing fire and ash on the
top of mountains
- Us heading
report received 11/8/01
What has not been
explained to the American people is the reason why
35,000 Army Reservists and 65,000 National Guard have
been called up. It
is to maintain internal checkpoints. It has nothing
to do with the
external "War on Terrorism." All of these
people are being trained at the
US Army School of Urban Control at Fort Campbell,
Kentucky. CNN actually
showed an urban training mock-up, what they're
training on, and what the
new Internal Security checkpoint is going to look
like. It was mighty
sinister looking.
There was a barrier that went across the road. To the
right was an
elevated shed like structure, elevated perhaps
fifteen feet in the air.
It had a small second story that was open. On it was
a sign that read
"Homeland Security Internal Checkpoint."
There were sandbags and the
wooden arm that crossed the road read "100% ID
Checked." Then there was a
small shed to the right with a small barbed wire area
behind that. On
this structure was a sign, which read, "All
citizens not having proper
identification will be detained. All foreign
nationals will be detained.
All citizens who are deemed to be acting in a
suspicious manner will be
detained." At each of these posts there will be
six armed Army or
National Guard reservists with M-16's with full field
kit. On top of the
structure to the rear, the open structure on top,
there's a man with a
machine gun emplacement.
They showed the actual mockup used for training
purposes. They had new
uniforms. They weren't in their regular uniforms.
It's a new gray uniform
with a gray helmet and a visor so you can't see their
eyes. The only
thing you can see is from their lips down because
they said that's "to
prevent any retribution" from people who don't
like this new idea.
This uniform looked exactly like the Imperial Storm
Troopers from "Star
Wars" except instead of white, it was gray. All
the helmets have little
transceivers so they can communicate with each other.
There will be six
guards at each internal security checkpoint. And
there's another warning
on the inside of the barbed wire enclosure, "Any
detainees attempting to
escape will be shot." It was a yellow and red
sign inside the detainment
The only person who actually spoke on camera during
this story was a
sergeant, an Army Reservist sergeant. You could tell
that he completely
disagreed with what was going on. You couldn't hear
the question being
asked, but he was looking at the camera and he said,
"We're here to
protect the people." Then he put his head down
and shook his head, and
you could tell he didn't believe a word of what he
was saying -- like it
was some big frigging joke.
Then they showed the procedure they were using to
train these guys. An
average American car, like a Ford or a Chevy, drives
up and there's
supposed to be a husband and wife in the front seat
and a couple of
kiddies in the back. So they drive up to the
checkpoint, and the corporal
comes up to the car and says, "May I see your
identification, citizen."
They call everyone "citizen." I swear to
God, I'm not making this up.
Then the guy asks for his driver's license, then
something else and
something else. Then he says, "Very good,
There's a spot on the gate that goes across the road
that they had x-ed
out. But you could tell what it said because the
sergeant alluded to it.
It said, "All citizens are required to present
their National
Identification Cards." But they left it blank as
a black spray-painted
out spot because the legislation for that hasn't
happened yet.
The big sign on the side of the one and half story
shed with the machine
gun nest on top said "Homeland Security Internal
Checkpoint." And now
we're all supposed to say, "Hail the
Republic." That's the new mantra.
They showed a bunch of guys being trained at Fort
Campbell, Kentucky,
probably enlisted and reservists and such. And they
kept raising up their
right arm saying, "Hail the Republic."
The sergeant even said that they are duplicating the
ancient Roman
Legions salute to Caesar, using the right arm
upraised with the fist.
Instead of "Hail Caesar," though they say,
"Hail the Republic."
This is what's coming. People don't believe it or
people don't understand
it but when 80% of the people support whatever
"security" measures are
What does it all mean? We all better start worrying
when George Bush
starts to play the fiddle.
Congress is supposed to be recessed for the rest of
the year, but they
will be giving the Administration extraordinary
wartime authority --
pursuant to all remaining legislation. In other
words, they will simply
allow the Administration to act under pending
statutes. They are simply
going to transfer to the Administration emergency
wartime power to act
under bills, which are still pending, even though
they haven't been
The implication is that we will be under a defacto
state of martial law
soon. There are 100,000 military being trained for
these internal
security checkpoints.
When they were showing the lines of enlisted and
reserve people being
trained in this camp, with M-16s in their hands, I
can tell you I don't
think any of them would hesitate to shoot at American
citizens. I think
they're being indoctrinated. The indoctrination
they're going through is
obvious. The enlisted people are being told by the
drill sergeant that
they are being given extraordinary authority that
"your job is to protect
the security of the State at all costs."
There is a direct parallel between the old Soviet
Union and the East Bloc
and what we are doing. We are establishing internal
travel restrictions
on the American people. We are essentially following
the Soviet text.