We're asked to travel a weary, blood-stained way up the Mount to Calvary-

The path often grows toilsome and our burdens we share with Yahshua on the way,

As we share in the footsteps of our Master,

Walking one step at a time as Yahshua leads the way;

He never tries us beyond our endurance

Or allows us to suffer beyond measure;

Our trails and tests are only a means of bringing us nearer to Him!

He shows us, leads us, and draws us ever closer

Allowing us the privilege of intimate communion with Him!

Oh, so weary, so tired, so burdensome the load

That allowed Yahshua to suffer for us,

Giving us the blessings of resting in His presence!

The nail prints that He bore, we, too, feel the pain;

His side that bled, we fell that, too, as He bled for you and me!

We shared in His suffering that we might learn to have a caring heart-

All this we gained as we traveled Calvary's road!

The road, it grows so narrow-

Causing many to fall by the way,

But, little one, we're drawing closer

To our Master along the blood-stained way!

We learn to share a little of the load

Our Savior bore for you and Me!

We learn to care, to share, and become aware

Of the needs of a lost, and dying world!

Let us go forth in praise and thankgiving

That we've been able to suffer for Him!

It's the only way- the crucified way!

Oh, we've been asked to bear trials and afflictions,

And many thorns adorned our way,

Yet the Master never leaves nor forsakes us-

To those who are steadfast and willing to endure!

The price of obedience, when put to the test,

Tears asunder heart and soul,

Yet brings His glorious presence to comfort, strengthen, and console!

The wilderness journey that is now nearly completed,

Brings us nearer to Him-

And breaks the fetters of self and pride

Which is a means of conforming us to His image!

The work of the cross is the crucifixion of self,

The painful, blood-stained way!

Through it all, Yahshua grants us victory after victory,

Seeing our hearts are yielded to Him;

Though obedience is often painful,

It is Yahweh's requirement for all of us;

The fires of testings and the trials are so sore,

Yet satan shall be conquered!

Faith and heart-felt obedience,

Commands victory over all along the way!

The enemy must go down,

Messiah is glorified and our lives are enriched!

Then one day, one glorious day-

Behold, one day we'll see Him, we'll behold Him!

Great victory and restitution will be made-

Restoration shall be complete and our lives more than conquerers in Him!
