I will rock the foundations of Wall Street, for verily that temple that is made without My hands in the earth has defiled My people. Yea, it is written, Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word which proceeds out of the mouth of YHVH. Howbeit then that men strive in the earth? Yea, the love of money is the root of all evil, and so it is that I will bare the roots in the end that I might get at the evil in men. Yea, yet a little while and there shall be such shaking in the earth. Though there are shakings now in your earth, yet is this preparation for that which is to come; for when the Sun of righteousness comes in glory, then shall there be much tribulation in the earth. Yea, it is written, I came not to bring peace but a sword; so it is the Son of Adam will wield His sword of judgment in the end. Yea, though there are judges who sit in judgment of My word in the earth, so shall I tear down the judgment of men that I might have My perfect way. Yea, I am the way, the truth, and the life. Now man comes unto the Father but by Me. Therefore I am that door which is life unto a man, and those who hearken not unto the voice of My Shepherd in the earth, the same are at deaths door. Yea, doors and windows, doors and windows...a house has many doors and windows, but that house that does not have this Door, the same shall not look into life. Yea, there are many things in a man that hold much weight in his life, and so it is many are bound by those things which are not of Me. Yea, let a man give up all that he might follow Me, for I am the way, the truth, and the Life; though a man have the knowledge of all things, what shall it profit him if he lose his own soul? Yea, men have sold their souls for a pittance, because the love of the world waxes strong. Yea, in the days of fervent heat I shall melt mens hearts that they be not as stone. Yea, there are those who are part of My kingdom work in the earth whose hearts shall melt in the days of My further judgment, when I shall draw all men unto Myself; for verily that heart which has been afar off shall no longer be sold for a farthing but shall be purchased by the blood of Yahshua Messiah whose blood covers a multitude of sins. Yea, there are many things hidden that shall be revealed even in a mans heart; for the day of judgment is come, and all those who have not the word hidden in their hearts, the same shall be swept away in the end.
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