The Way of the Crucified

Wonder of wonders in this world today, the ones who have been chosen long years ago,
Marching forth by FAITH, in the Son of YHVH, walking His footsteps in a body of sod;
Not many are able to pay such a price, only those chosen, their lives to forsake-
Oh, Beloved, fear not the cost nor heed the forces which think to hinder;
They shall flee, and you shall arise in bright GLORY to Yahshua,
The Messiah of YHVH, brought back into our body temples.
Oh, that we as the CRUCIFIED ONES shall be clothed with HIS LIGHT,
No longer despised but loved by YHVH.
He moves forth to greet us and welcome us to Himself,
The price of overcoming has brought you unto Him.
None of the cares of this world shall hinder or harm,
The mind that has been transformed by the power of I AM
Is regenerated and transfigured, wholly led to the cross;
But, Behold, the tree could not keep Him nor shall it hold you;
We are vessels born anew: spirit, soul, and body.
None of earth’s cares have any hold on us, for as Daughters and Sons we are bursting forth.
The grave clothes which think to ensnare us are now lost from view;
But, Behold, a new army of the despised few arises,
Clad in bright armor, clothed in Yahshua’s blood, made in His likeness, and led by His hand-
No longer hindered by the modes of man, this army is being manifest for all to see.
This army shall overcome ALL in the earth, bringing RECONCILIATION back to their vessels of clay,
Showing them the victory being wrought in them as the Potter reshapes their clay;
Those who are brought forth by the hand of YHVH shall have left carnality behind;
All shall come into subjection to Yahshua, King of kings-
None but the appointed of YHVH shall enter in to the blessed times of I AM.
Those who gave up all to follow the Lamb will walk in effulgent glory;
These have their calling and election sure from the foundations of this world,
And today they move as the ones led and guided by Messiah;
My army shall be small and rejected by man;
But, Oh, Watch the glory of YHVH unfolding as they are revealed to men.
These of YHVH’s outcasts are now being redeemed unto Him.
Many shall wonder, ‘Why not I, YHVH?’
When this army approaches, led by the hand of their YHVH.
But, Beloved, it costs all to walk in His path, and not many are willing to bear their cross.
Many longed for large crowds and the glory of men,
Caring not to be alone and suffer His shame-
They shall wonder as the chosen of YHVH who have given up all, arise in His glory.
Oh, Beloved, Look up, for your redemption draws nigh!
Your travail shall cease, the battle shall be over, for YHVH Himself shall bring you through.
None shall hinder His work to be fulfilled in you,
For YHVH Himself shall be manifest in His faithful few.
Alone with the Master, alone with your YHVH, nothing can any longer harm you,
For you are chosen of the Most High!
The day seems long, dear chosen one in Him,
But, Behold, the Day Star illumines within-
You shall arise in Spirit and power;
Yea, the overcomers shall be clothed in splendid light-
Only those who shared in the fellowship of Messiah’s suffering shall know the glory of living in Him!
Many have taught the way of life, but they have been unwilling to be fully crucified with Messiah.
These shall arise in another resurrection;
Only those who loved not their lives to fully follow the Lamb of YHVH
Shall overcome and be known as His Firstfruits.
A remnant will remain true to Messiah and move forward by the hand of YHVH.
These minute few shall live, out-raying the glory of I AM,
Being released as His new creations in power and glory.
HOLD FAST, My Beloved, for the door is open, the day is NOW, when Yahshua beckons you.
Come higher; come higher; I am waiting for you!
Those who come up hither shall be sheltered in the day of My judgment,
For I will hold them in MY LOVING HAND.
To the faithful ones, I say, Rest and join the despised few.
Think not of the price that you will pay;
Awaken to the SONG OF CREATION which is now playing:
A new creation of Daughters and Sons being manifest in the earth!
Listen, My Dear One, for a nation is being birthed back to YHVH-
Back to Him, the Great I AM, Who beckons you to come now,
For He has waited a long, long time for this day.
Therefore, Beloved, Strip off the grave clothes of carnality and awaken to the hour.
For His faithful ones are now being birthed as the manifested sons of glory.
Now I say unto you, I shall move for the few who have died to the flesh
That they might rule and reign with Me, their YHVH; so hearken, hasten-
Dear one in Yahshua Messiah, forsaken by all,
Did I not travel this road before you?
Many have spoken and claimed My promises but are yet unwilling to follow Me.
I could not impart unto them My glory nor bestow upon them the CROWN OF LIFE.
In this day many shall hear; but not heed My word-
Thinking to be overcomers, they have not prepared to meet their YHVH.
These pretenders shall come to the door which is yet open,
And sadly realize that they are unfit to enter My kingdom.
Oh, take courage and be strong; for I AM shall bring you unto Himself
Into His bosom, where you will be sheltered from all harm.
Keep your eye single unto the WILL of your YHVH
Who alone shall lead you into resurrection life;
This sought-for crown is worn only by a few
Whom I YHVH have prepared through great trials called crucifixion.
Those who are willing to walk this path shall be brought into fullness by My hand.
Therefore hold fast; hold steady-

New life is in view, and you shall be ADORNED in HIS GLORY,

Photo (Mary): Sunset on Lake Wesserunsett, East Madison, Maine- 2014