Sweet peace that flows like a river,
Enveloping the heart, mind, and soul
Is Yahweh's gift to His children
Who abide constantly in His will.
This peace, with the savor of His anointing,
Strengthens both body and soul,
Flowing gently and abundantly forever;
Oh, how His rest thrills my being-
The peace of His abiding presence,
Knowing He's there to care and to bless!
Oh, the joys brought forth from great trials,
As my eyes light on His precious face,
Saying, "My Beloved one, only trust in Me.
I'll grant you great peace in the midst of the storm!
Never fear, I have walked this way before you!
Now I will walk it here with you!
You need never walk the weary road
Alone, I say, for I am always with you;
For truly great peace is the gift of Yahweh
Meant always to carry you through!
The peace of Yahweh made perfect through trials,
Drives you ever closer to Me
That you, My child, may always know
My peace in the midst of the storm.Oh, never fear the pathway before you-
My right hand will lead you through
Up mountains so high- rugged, yet worn!
My peace shall carry you through-
Through wilderness into green pastures!
My peace is always there with you!
Learn to rest secure in the cleft of the Rock
Wherein dwells My peace, blessed peace forever more!"