
There's a place of fellowship Divine

As we meet at the Master's feet-

A place where heart and soul unite

With our Beloved Son of Peace;

It is a place held only for the chosen few

Who seek Yahshua, yielding all to wholly obey-

A place where one must pay the price

In light of all who do not understand.

Oh, how He has promised to make all things right

One day as we follow Him,

Not understanding always the way He leads,

But knowing He does all things well.

Dear friend, He's leading us to a special place

Known only to a certain few!

Keep firm in the faith, hope only in Him!

Lean on your Beloved Redeemer and Friend!

There is a place of glorious communion

With the Father and the Son;

He brings us there, our hopes to restore

As we realize His plan for our lives.

We've been allowed to taste of the heavenly things

As He's drawn us aside for awhile;

Stay close, little one, to the Master

Where hearts and souls are complete!

There's no distance when His heart and yours are united;

This union is a place where we continually feast

As Yahshua feeds our hungry souls;

Oh, this place of eternal rapture

Where each need He does bountifully supply!

Precious friend, it is a place of Divine appointment

That He's chosen for our lives this day;

We are never apart in the Spirit

When our lives are fully surrendered to Him.
